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Kresba zvířat

Basic information

It builds on the introductory workshop, where participants learned basic techniques such as drawing eyes or fur. However, it is also open to those who did not attend the introductory session but already have experience with animal portrait drawing using colored pencils and wish to refine their technique.

In this workshop, participants will work directly with a reference image, which is a key element in portrait drawing. If they have their own high-quality animal photographs, they can bring them either printed or in digital form. If they do not have a reference image, the instructor will provide several suitable options on-site. In case of uncertainty about the choice of reference, participants can contact the course organizers, who will connect them with the instructor for consultation.

During the six-hour session, participants will learn how to work with a reference, sketch the portrait correctly, understand the drawing process, and select the right colored pencils for different parts of the portrait. This course is suitable for anyone looking to deepen their skills in this technique – it is not necessary to be an experienced artist, as everything can be learned step by step. Paper will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring their own artist-grade colored pencils.

We will provide

  • paper

You need to bring

  • colored pencils
  • reference image


Please get in touch if you need anything

  • +420 604 388 685
    (work days 9:30 - 17:00 hrs.)
  • /

  • (anytime)
E-shop support
  • +420 739 583 300
Courses support
  • +420 604 388 685
Moje dílna, z.s.
  • Zálešná I 4057, 760 01 Zlín
  • ID: 04434862
  • Official mailbox: yiwt73v